Last night, I felt sick. My skin was hot, my eyes were burning and my hands felt cold. So I popped a reliable pill in my mouth and went to sleep. I still felt a bit bad when I woke so I finally decided to call in sick from the office.
Suddenly... all the pain and discomfort went away! It's like the bad spirit fled from my body after being shoo'd away by a medicine man!
Now I feel great and brand new!
Therefore, premises considered...I can safely conclude that I'm allergic to the office! I'm sure a lot of you share this same fate. We get sick when we think of the office and much more when we're in them!
As I've said...I hate the boss...but love the xerox machine. The latter is the only thing that keeps me going when I'm in that hell hole. It is the source of my dreams and inspirations.
Hail to the xerox machine and all other photocopiers!
Right now, I'll savor my time away from hell. Cheers!
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